Gray Brooks

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Eclipse 2017 Notes

So … On Monday August 21, 2017, there’s going to be a really cool event - a total solar eclipse. Here are some notes:


Testimonials On Why Seeing A Total Solar Eclipse Is Amazing

Really - trust me: read and listen to these.

Map Resources

Notable Resources

Major Hubs of Information

Assorted Notes

What I’ll Be Doing To Plan Ahead For It


If You Can’t Travel To See The Total Eclipse

Local Resources

But Wait - Hasn’t This Happened A Bunch Before?

Nope. If you haven’t traveled overseas for it, whatever you’re remembering was likely a partial solar eclipse, which they say is not at all the same thing.

Eye Safety

Thoughts, questions?

As you may have been able to tell, I’m pretty enthused about this. Feel free to hit me up if you have questions, want to think through possible plans you’re forming, or just want to hear me wax poetic about this topic some more.