Gray and Erie Get Married

Our Relationship

We met in 2011, at Third Thursday (a government and tech happy hour) at the Post Pub, a dive bar in Washington D.C. Gray was wearing his FCC hat, Erie sang the praises of her third favorite regulatory agency and her favorite former FCC Commissioner, Jonathan Adelstein. The next time we saw each other, again at the Post Pub, we were still talking 3 hours after everyone else left. Since then, we've gotten out the vote, served our country, and adopted a 10-year-old badger from the pound. Now we're getting married!

The Night Before

8 p.m.

Seventh Son Brewery
1101 N 4th St
Columbus, Ohio 33201

Looking for the right place to meet up with other people who are in town the night before? We’ve done the research for you: Seventh Son Brewery! See you there.


Ceremony and Reception

5 PM

Clintonville Woman's Club
3951 N High St.
Columbus, OH 43214

Cocktail hour will be followed by an outdoor ceremony and then dinner and dancing.

Festive attire.

After Party (~10 PM)

2657 N High St.
Columbus, OH 43202



11 a.m.

Debbie and Tom's House
(Erie's Childhood Home)
1520 Arlington Ave NW
Marble Cliff, Ohio 43212

Afternoon Romping

2 P.m.

Following brunch, we'll either visit arrowhead hunting fields or a local fishing hole. Both activities are 5 minutes from the house and we'll provide equipment, transit, and lead the activities!